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Be Fit

Get the most out of your fitness activities with Be Fit. You get to choose how you want to work out, and your $360-per-year Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card* (Flex Card) benefit will take care of the payment.

Activities include the following and more:

  • Fitness class fees.
  • Gym memberships.
  • Online fitness subscriptions.
  • Weight loss subscriptions.
  • Rowing.
  • Golf.
  • Bowling.
  • Tennis.
  • Pickleball.
  • Pool exercise classes.
  • Fitness trackers.

If your fees are more than $360 a year, you pay the difference. Be Fit doesn’t cover league fees, personal equipment, fitness foods like protein bars and shakes, or Medicare-covered services like physical therapy, chiropractic care, etc.

For more information on the Be Fit Benefit, visit Flex Card Flier or Flex Card FAQ.

* The Benefits Mastercard® Prepaid Card is issued by The Bancorp Bank, N.A., Member FDIC, pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated. Mastercard and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated. Card can be used for eligible expenses wherever Mastercard is accepted. Valid only in the U.S. No cash access.

Getting Paid Back

If you forget your card, if your provider doesn’t accept this type of payment or if there are difficulties in using your card, you can submit an eligible expense for reimbursement. For more details related to the reimbursement process please review our Flex Card details here.

Fill out the reimbursement form

If your gym can give you a receipt, send us a dated receipt showing:
  • The amount charged.
  • Your name.
  • Name of the gym or fitness facility or
  • Description of the class or
  • Description of the charge for membership fee.
If your gym can’t give you a receipt, send us:
  • A bank or credit card statement showing proof of your payment.
  • Your fitness agreement or contract (which you only have to send us once).
If you send us a receipt without the reimbursement form:
  • You’ll be reimbursed up to $360, but you’ll get a denial letter in the mail for any balance on the receipt above $360.
How You’re Refunded

You pay the full cost first and then send us details for reimbursement. You can send in your receipts monthly, quarterly or annually for reimbursement up to the $360 annual maximum.

You must send us all receipts within 365 days of the receipt date to be eligible for reimbursement.

Sending to Us

Midwest Be Fit Fitness Reimbursement Printable Form
Northwest Be Fit Fitness Reimbursement Printable Form
OSF Be Fit Fitness Reimbursement Printable Form

By Mail

Claims Processing Center
3310 Fields South Dr.
Champaign, IL 61822

By Email

By Fax

(217) 337-8008

Be Fit won’t cover services that require additional fees, like personal equipment. It applies to only standard fitness class and gym membership fees at non-residential commercial or community facilities, and it doesn’t go toward your out-of-pocket maximum.